31 January 2024

Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2024 -2026

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Research Institute for the Humanities 2024-26 Postdoctoral Fellowship

Institute Type:               College/ University

Location:                         Hong Kong, China

Position:                          Postdoctoral Fellow

The Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) invites applications for a number of post-doctoral fellowships in the humanities, working within the Faculty of Arts.

These fellowships will commence 1 August 2024 and end 31 July 2026.

Fellows are expected to work on a major research project, to attend RIH events, and to participate in the intellectual life of the Faculty of Arts. The intent is for postdoctoral fellows to continue their training as researchers and gain additional skills and experience with RIH that will prepare them for their research careers in academia or elsewhere. As postdoctoral fellows, they can primarily dedicate their positions to conducting their own independent research. Additionally, they may assist in teaching classes, collaborate on interdisciplinary research initiatives, or even take on lead responsibility for a new interdisciplinary or digital humanities research project or program, all subject to mutual agreement with the management.

Qualifications: Applicants must have been awarded a Ph.D. no later than 31 July 2024 and not be more than three years beyond receipt of the doctoral degree at the start of their fellowship. The fellowship appointment is non-renewable and cannot be held concurrently with other fellowships or academic positions.

How to apply: The 2024-26 application period opens on 15 November 2023, and the application deadline is 18 February 2024.

Applications will be accepted online through the portal at the CUHK Human Resources Website. The following will be required:

  • a cover letter,
  • current curriculum vitae,
  • a 1,000-word research statement with a clear explanation of the originality and significance of the research project,
  • a 25-page writing sample,
  • a list of three referees (*We will only request letters from the referees for short-listed candidates*), &
  • indication of a preferred mentor within CUHK’s Faculty of Arts in the cover letter (no prior consent from the preferred mentor is required).

Benefits: Salary will be highly competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Fellows will also be eligible for research support for attending conferences and for other scholarly activities. More detailed information will be provided at a later stage in the process.

Potential applicants may direct questions about the search to Ms. Basmah Lok, project coordinator at the RIH, at basmahlok@cuhk.edu.hk.