Practice-as-Research: Producing Knowledge Through Participatory Creative Practice
A RIH-funded interdisciplinary research project
This research aims to bring together a group of scholars from Fine Arts, Cultural and Religious Studies, and Architecture at CUHK to develop shared interests at the intersections of practice and research, creating social impact through experiments with creative practice (particularly sound art), technology, and urban space. Believing in the innovation and knowledge produced through collaborative creative practice, this project seeks to build an interdisciplinary platform and international network to share experiences and foster discussion on practice-as-research and practice-led research. The research will revolve around the topic of participatory arts in urban spaces, with particular attention to forms of technology-enabled participation.
Project team:
- Prof. Frank VIGNERON (Chair & Professor, Department of Fine Arts, CUHK)
- Prof. WONG Ashley Lee (Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK)
- Prof. YIM Sui Fong (Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts, CUHK)
- Prof. YIU, Hoi Lam Melody (Research Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, CUHK)
EoP 001: Sound as a Medium for Participation (Friday, 8 November 2024, Eaton HK) more
EoP001.2: Workshop + Reading Group on Sound at Chuen Lung (Thursday, 12 December 2024, Chuen Lung, Tsuen Wan) more
EoP 002: Participatory Spatial Practice: Panel Discussion (Tuesday, 21 January 2025, Online via Zoom) more
EoP003: Technology-Enabled Participation in Artistic Practices (Tuesday, 25 February 2025, Online via Zoom ) more