10 September 2024

What is “New”? Evaluating Generative AI Across Disciplines

A RIH-funded interdisciplinary research project

This project studies the impact of Generative AI on research culture across a broad spectrum of disciplines. The research group consists of scholars from cultural studies, English, translation, communication, law, mathematics, and computer science. This group originated from an earlier half-day workshop, “Evaluating GenAI,” funded by CRS, the Center for Cultural Studies, and the CUHK library. This workshop provided an occasion for interdisciplinary dialogue: we had a panel of five scholars from computer science, mathematics, law, English, and cultural studies who share knowledge of large language models but contribute to this topic from divergent perspectives. Certain common themes emerged during this workshop, such as what counts as “new” and how AI models claim novel output. This is a major obstacle for developers of AI models and a key question that the humanities are best equipped to address. This project will follow up with an interdisciplinary research group focused on several related topics concerning the impact of generative AI on academic research and pedagogy across the humanities and social sciences.

Project team:

  • Xuenan CAO (Assistant Professor of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK)
  • Collier NOGUES (Assistant Professor of English, CUHK)
  • Jia TAN (Associate Professor of Cultural Studies, CUHK)
  • Jiji ZHANG (Professor of Philosophy, CUHK)

Can ChatGPT Write?
Speaker: Prof. Xuenan CAO
Date: 13 Sep 2024 (Fri.)
Time: 14:30 – 15:30
Venue: LSB LT2 (Lady Shaw Building)

Soviet Cyborgs and Chinese AI : A conversation
Dr. Vladimir Lukin, Postdoctoral Research Associate at Duke University, specialist in soviet media history.
Prof. Xuenan Cao, Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, critical AI and media scholar.
Date: 2024-11-8 (Fri)
Time: 9:00-11:00AM
Mode of event: Online (Zoom link will be provided upon request)

Registration: https://cuhk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrdeGpqDsvEtP0m6N1hVfmjGe-T_OtsLe1 

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