6 March 2012

Lecture by Prof Maria Zlateva

Jointly invited by the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language, the English Language Teaching Unit and RIH, Prof Maria Zlateva, a scholar from the Boston University, conducted a lecture titled “Teaching Grammar in Context: The Case for Pedagogical Grammars” in March. The lecture discussed the role of Pedagogical Grammar (PG) in language teaching in various academic settings, using the experiences of an applied linguist, L2 language teacher, teacher educator, and program administrator. Definitions and conceptualizations of PG were reviewed in order to demystify the still evolving notion of PG and to establish a working base that encompassed content, pedagogy, and learning perspectives. Fresh orientations to the system of grammar (such as Functional Grammar, Action Grammar, Relevance Theory) were presented to show how applied linguistics research could inform grammar teaching to develop an account of language that reflected the way people actually learn and use it. This led to the rationale for teaching grammar in context, using a task-based approach which aimed to cultivate linguistic accuracy along with meaningful and appropriate use of grammar structures. The presentation provided examples of classroom practices and ended with a summary of implications for curricular design, teacher training, and further research.