3 September 2024

HEYTA (Higher Education Young Talent Alliance) 2024

RIH cordially invites research postgraduate (RPg)  students in the Faculty of Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong to apply for sponsorship for HEYTA 2024 forum (Higher Education Young Talent Alliance 2024).

HEYTA 2024 will be held from 3 – 5 September 2024, at the University of Exeter, UK. It aims to enhance academic exchanges among young humanities students from universities in China and the UK and cultivate their future-oriented global competencies, as well as their capabilities for cross-cultural exchange and cooperation. RIH will sponsor a number of RPg students from the Faculty of Arts at CUHK to attend the forum.

Themes of the 2024 Forum

  1. Interconnectivity and Interculturality (互联性与跨文化性)
  2. AI, Technology and the Post-Knowledge World (人工智能、科学技术与后知识时代 )
  3. Sustainable Development Goals (可持续发展目标)

This scholarship will provide travel support (registration, flights, and accommodation) to the awardees to attend the HEYTA 2024.


  • CUHK Faculty of Arts MPhil & PhD student
  • Fluent in English, capable of using English for presentations and discussions
  • Submit a post-event report highlighting the significance you have gained from the forum.

Registration link: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13685182  
Application closing date: 31 March 2024

For inquiries, please send an email to rihs@cuhk.edu.hk or contact the RIH office at 3943 4786

About the UK-China Higher Education Humanities Alliance (UKCHA) and HEYTA

The UK-China Higher Education Humanities Alliance (UKCHA) was initiated by Tsinghua University and established in Shanghai in December 2016. It is committed to promoting cooperation and development in research and education in the humanities field between Chinese and British universities. So far, it has grown to 17 alliance member universities, including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Wuhan University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shanghai International Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, University of Exeter, King’s College London, Loughborough University, Needham Research Institute – University of Cambridge, School of Oriental and African Studies – University of London, University College London, University of Manchester, Oxford University China Center, University of Reading and University of Warwick.

Since its establishment in 2016, the Alliance has organized numerous academic conferences and exchange activities, making positive contributions to promoting academic exchanges and cooperation between China and the UK. To further expand academic discussions, exchanges, and cooperation among student groups, the Alliance has been hosting the Youth Student Forum Exchange (HEYTA) since 2019, aiming to explore opportunities for students to engage in dialogues between Chinese and British humanities and social sciences.

In April 2019, the first HEYTA event was successfully held at Tsinghua University. Representatives conducted a series of visits, lectures, and seminars to discuss the protection and development of the humanities. From 2020 to 2022, the University of Exeter and Tsinghua University organized three successful online events. In 2023, the event returned to an offline format, facilitating valuable dialogues among young individuals from both countries. The specific activities were as follows:

  • 2019 – hosted by Tsinghua University (Beijing): Exploring Beauty in Humanities and Innovation, Bridging the Communication between China and the UK.
  • 2020 – hosted by the University of Exeter (online): Digital Humanities and Special Collections, Intercultural Communications, Theatre and Performance, and International Cultural Exchange.
  • 2021 – hosted by Tsinghua University (online): Digital Humanities, Studies of Eastern and Western Plays, and Comparative Literature.
  • 2022 – hosted by the University of Exeter (online): Rewriting Modernities: Literature, Historiography And Translating Cultures.
  • 2023 – hosted by Tsinghua University (Beijing): Exploring the History, Recounting the Blending of Civilizations.

About the themes of HEYTA 2024

 1. Interconnectivity and Interculturality
Interculturality includes dynamic and evolving relationships between groups that include exchange and dialogue – with an acknowledgment that the purpose of interculturality is transformed relationships that work towards a just, equal, and plural society. This involves significant challenges. Intercultural competence is increasingly emphasised as a critical skill, and it is now part of the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) test. Embracing interculturality is more than just coexistence; it is about promoting mutual respect, understanding and appreciation of different cultures and traditions. This theme encourages embracing rich cultural diversity. In today’s interconnected world, it is crucial to equip individuals with intercultural competence so that they can navigate the complexities of multicultural interactions with sensitivity and openness. Interconnectivity refers to the complex network of links between elements like people, cultures, economies, and technologies, where they mutually influence one another. This interdependence surpasses geographical and cultural limits, underscoring the interconnected nature of our global society. It forms the basis for understanding the intricate web of connections in our increasingly globalized world. Together, these concepts encourage a global perspective that values cultural diversity and promotes collaboration and understanding among people from different parts of the world.

2. AI, Technology, and the Post-Knowledge World
In today’s era of rapid technological advancement, the traditional methods of knowledge dissemination, acquisition, and verification are undergoing profound changes. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and automation not only enhances human capabilities but also reshapes the fundamental nature of the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge. Therefore, we need to conduct interdisciplinary exploration, deeply explore the intricate ethical dilemmas brought by artificial intelligence, think about the democratization of knowledge promoted by digital platforms, and examine the dynamic evolution between humans and machines and other urgent issues that need to be resolved.

3. Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and social inequalities must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health, wellbeing and education, and further social justice aims – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. SDGs span across humanities, social and natural sciences and weaken the boundaries between disciplines thus encouraging interdisciplinary work. They also offer opportunities for critical debates about the priorities they set and their underlying ideas. This is especially when SDGs are explored from a perspective that challenges western-centred thinking and values and embraces wider views about the ways we understand the interplay between local and global challenges. Possible topics include inclusion; gender equality; social justice; sustainable development; wellbeing; climate change; peace; the relationship between local and global; and (alternative) globalisation.