17 October 2022

Digital Resources for the History of the Book


Digital Resources for the History of the Book (Zoom)

A presentation of the international digital resources which support sophisticated historical research on the European printed book heritage


Speaker: Professor Cristina Dondi
Professor of Early European Book Heritage, and Oakeshott Senior Research Fellow in the Humanities at Lincoln College, University of Oxford.


Date: 17 October 2022 (Mon)
Time: 16:00 – 17:30  (HKT) / 09:00 – 10:30 (BST)
Online via Zoom
Medium of Instruction: English
Registration: https://bit.ly/3rAcd1y

About the event: 

A presentation of the international digital resources which support sophisticated historical research on the European printed book heritage

About the speaker:

Professor Cristina Dondi is Professor of Early European Book Heritage, and Oakeshott Senior Research Fellow in the Humanities at Lincoln College, University of Oxford. She is also the Secretary of the Consortium of European Research Libraries. During the period 2014-2019 she was the Principal Investigator of the 15cBOOKTRADE Project, funded by the European Research Council.

Her research focuses on the history of printing and the booktrade in 15th century Europe, using surviving books as primary historical sources to understand the economic and social impact of the printing revolution on European society. Also, on the reconstruction of dispersed book collections and the transmission of texts in print. https://www.lincoln.ox.ac.uk/Fellows/CristinaDondi