22 November 2023

Bones & Beyond: Forensic Anthropology Unearthed

Speaker: Dr. Judyta Olszewski, University of Hong Kong

Venue: Rm 312, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College, CUHK

Date: 22 November 2023

Time: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Registration: Online registration form


Forensic anthropology, a sub-discipline of biological anthropology, involves the examination of human skeletal remains to assist law enforcement agencies. The average person is accustomed to seeing the forensic sciences in television like Bones and CSI, but the work of forensic specialists is also portrayed in news coverage and online media. It warrants the query: does media provide an accurate representation of the sub- discipline? If not, what does forensic anthropology truly involve?

This lecture will explore the facts and fiction surrounding forensic anthropology, while incorporating personal experiences from other continents like Africa and Europe, to provide a realistic understanding of the discipline and dispel popular myths. The discussion will encompass the historical background of forensic anthropology, its evolution, and its contributions to the field of forensic science, including current methods. This lecture will further examine the portrayal of forensic anthropology in popular culture and discuss the potential impact on public perception and expectations. Common misconceptions and myths will be debunked, and the limitations and challenges faced by forensic anthropologists will be highlighted.  The  future  of  forensic  anthropology  will  be  considered,  with emphasis on emerging trends, interdisciplinary and cross-national collaborations, and ethical considerations.


Dr. Judyta Olszewski, a forensic anthropologist trained in Europe and South Africa, will talk about some of her experiences in the field.