In the last two decades or so the worlds of academic research and humanities have undergone significant changes. For research driven higher education institutes, the innovations in teaching and research needs to be better coordinated. New humanities disciplines have emerged to attract the attention of scholars and researchers. Research projects, on the other hand, have become increasingly interdisciplinary and collaborative.
Since its establishment in 1991, the RIH has been instrumental in realizing the following University missions:
To serve as an independent and financially viable research arm of the University to enhance the performance of humanities research at CUHK; and
To act as the University’s central point of research and intellectual inquiry in the development of arts and humanities.
In the foreseeable future, RIH will be seen playing a more pivotal role in fostering exchanges and collaborations, particularly cross-disciplinary exchanges with the potential to breed collaborative research projects or shed lights on new research directions.
To serve as an independent and financially viable research arm of the University to enhance the performance of humanities research at CUHK; and
To act as the University’s central point of research and intellectual inquiry in the development of arts and humanities.
To enhance interdisciplinarity both within the humanities and across arts and sciences (such as medical humanities and digital humanities);
Foster new areas of study in cutting edge research for the prospect of important intellectual breakthrough with individual colleagues or collective prospects;
Nurture young talents for sustainable academic excellence in arts and letters at CUHK by hosting external fellows, internal fellows and dissertation fellows (both international and on campus);
Facilitate internationalization of the University by forming academic links with strategic partners and engaging in key regional and international organizations (e.g. ANHN, CHCI);
Raise funds, donations and endowments for the benefits of research in humanities at CUHK.
Asia Institute, University of California, Los Angeles
Dahlem Humanities Center, Free University of Berlin
Department of American Studies, Brown University
College of Public Health, National Taiwan University