Oct 2019

RIH Newsletter Oct 2019

The RIH hosted a two-day conference on 6-7 December 2018 on Environmental Humanities. It brought together ideas and insights of 35 scholars from the continents of America, Asia and Europe to probe beyond the realm of ecology of narratives that overwhelmingly centred on research about nature but without paying due consideration to human behaviour. The information gathered in this conference came from varied experiences gained from a broad spectrum of cultural aspects, analyses of different natures, from history to culture, from art to religions, and from language to philosophy.

The conference was honoured to have Prof. FOK Tai-fai, Pro Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. LAI Ping-chiu, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, officiating at the opening ceremony. The keynote speech was presented by Prof. Frederick DAVIS, R. Mark Lubbers Chair in the History of Science, Professor of History, Department of History, Purdue University, USA. The title of his speech was “The Wonder of Rachel Carson: Nature and Emotion in Environmental Humanities”.